Sunday, June 17, 2012

Much ado about nothing

Imagine this situation: you are really very hungry and three food dishes are placed before you. You look at them and find that food on those dishes is unknown to you. You are allowed to choose and eat just one of the three dishes. You look at them one by one – on one dish, the food is colorless, odorless and bland. The next dish gives out a delicious aroma, but the food appears messy. The final dish is well organized and has a delicious aroma. What will be your choice?

For most people, their choice will be the dish with food neatly arranged and having a nice aroma. The choice may not change even if they are informed that the bland food is the most nutritious.

Talking about food, there really are two kinds of people – the first kind are people who eat to live and the second kind are those who live to eat. People of the second kind want their food to seem appetizing. They invest considerable time and effort to make sure that the aroma, looks and taste of their food is as perfect as possible.

Do you know? We really do not need the food that we eat.

Yes, you read it right! Why do we eat? Any five-year old will tell you that our body digests food and draws energy from it. Nutrients and glucose from food gets infused into our body and blood stream. Once food passes the taste buds in your tongue, your body may not care if the food is odorless, colorless or bland, as long as it contains essential nutrients. Imagine if some time in future, we find a way to directly infuse energy into our body and then we may have no use for our taste buds, even our tongue, teeth and the digestive system. This thought is not very far-fetched – look at how plants absorb energy from sunlight through photosynthesis.

So, those exotic recipes, cookery shows, cooking courses, contests, books, tips; all this…may be such a waste.