Sunday, February 19, 2012

About this blog

This blog is meant to be a ‘community blog’. As compared to a personal blog, where one person’s views are carried, a community blog has participation from many like-minded people, who have equal opportunities to publish their thoughts and views.

The dominant theme of this blog is to look at ourselves in retrospect and view our thoughts and behaviors with a long term perspective. While acknowledging that individually we can be brilliant, we will see how collectively, we are stupid. Our collective behavior affects us individually and thus individually too, we may seem stupid. The objective is to acknowledge our follies; study the rational choices available to correct them and find what it takes to exercise those choices. To find the right answers, first we need to ask the right questions. The belief is that with clear perspectives; most people will opt for rational choices.

Let’s be rational and accept that one blog amongst millions, cannot change the world. But even if thoughts of a few people start changing, it can make a lot of difference. Most of the time, you may find serious stuff, but occasionally, fun posts too. If people find this blog interesting, it will evolve over time.

Now is the time to read, comment and blog away. And you are invited to join.

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